Baroque guitar
A five-course guitar recital with italian and spanish music from composers such as:
Santa Cruz
Listen to Ulrik on SoundCloud
17th century Italy and "Le Nuove Musiche"
Theorbo and baroque guitar recital focusing on the virtuosic repertoire from composers such as
Kapsberger, Piccinini, Castaldi, Granata and Pellegrini
Listen to Ulrik on SoundCloud
Small lutes and Monster guitars
With music ranging from the polyphonic vihuela da mano-repertoire,
through florid italian renaissance and early baroque,
to the playful dances of spanish five-course guitar music,
this is a programme presenting the six-course lute, baroque guitar and the theorbo.
A great way to get to know the lute family and its music!
Listen to Ulrik on SoundCloud