Ulrik Gaston Larsen has studied historical guitars at the Norwegian State Academy of Music and lutes with Prof. Rolf Lislevand
in the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen, Germany.
Recently he was invited to participate in the recording of Rolf Lislevand and Ensemble Kapsberger's production, "La Chittara Spostate"- ASTRČE / N A Ď V E , currently in post-production, with whom he gives concerts regularly,
and can also be heard on ensemble "La Chapelle Rhénane's" cd with music from Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) "Histoire de la Résurrection & Musikalische Exequien" - K617 / Harmonia Mundi, which won the following prizes in France: Diapason D'or, Le Monde de la Musique and a Goldberg 5.
For many years he has been working as a continuo player, in both large scale productions (Calisto from Cavalli, L'incoronazione di Poppea from Monteverdi, Giulio Cesare from Händel), as well as in smaller chamber music
contexts with ensembles such as Ensemble Kapsberger, Ensemble Correspondances and teaching and giving master classes in Europe and in South America, and of course gathering extensive experience as a soloist.
In his solo repertoir he specializes on the seldom performed, very rich and virtuosic early Italian guitar music from
composers such as Granata, Pellegrini and Bartolotti, as well as the florid and highly elaborated Italien theorbo repertoir, with music, from among others, Castaldi, Kapsberger and Piccinini.
As a composer and improviser he has already recieved an Honorous prize from an International jury at an Animation-film festival
i Trebon, for his participation in the animated short-film "A Garden Enclosed" (Magdalena Bartáková, 2008).
Ulrik Gaston Larsen plays on lutes and guitars from Hendrik Hasenfuss and Stephen Murphy.
He currently lives and teaches baroque guitar, renaissance lute and theorbo in Lyon, France